FM Eldering Resources


15 minutes Brian Drayton’s blog Amor vincat Nurturing ministers case study #6: Youngering
[Note: If you read a word that makes no sense with an “F” in it, it was probably an old-fashioned, mis-transcribed “S”.]

15 minutes Brian Drayton’s blog Amor vincat Nurturing ministers case study #3: Encouraging an Experienced Traveler


35 minutes Mackenzie Morgan and Micah Bales Quaker Faith & Podcast Eldering & Oversight

40 minutes Mackenzie Morgan and Micah Bales Quaker Faith & Podcast Recording Ministers 

90 minutes Kristina and Callid Keefe-Perry’s On Carrying A Concern podcast Interview with Jay O’Hara on the support he needs in ministry
You can also read a transcript of the podcast here