What do we mean when we talk about spirituality? What words do we use to describe what is impossible to describe? What experiences have we had of “the more”? Some folks talk about angels and some pray to saints and others to a variety of deities. Some have a special relationship with Jesus. Some people encounter the mystery through religious ritual and others in nature and some combine both! Some people do not believe in a god or gods but nonetheless have mystical experiences. Some people encounter the Divine mostly through other people or animals or the goodness they experience in the world. Some of us intuitively knew the Bible passage “Be still and know that I am God” to be true which is one of the things that drew us to Quaker waiting worship. Some of us have felt a oneness with everything or at least a profound unity with those gathered with us in silence.
Have you experienced the Spirit in meeting for worship? What can you tell us about it?
What are other ways, places, or times that you have had encounters with God, the Holy, or mystery? What do you find helps you to be receptive or aware?
Please share from your own experience, not from ideas or theories or things you were taught or given unless they became your own. Use the language that best expresses your sense of it. When reading what others have said, remember to “listen in tongues”.