2 Knowing One Another In That Which is Eternal

You might be wondering how these topics “Covenant Community,” “That of God,”, and  “Authenticity” fit together. They are intertwined for me. I recognize That of God in myself and in others. I believe that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and this means every part of us—even the parts that cause us pain or shame. As I accept this, I become more authentically myself. I trust That of God and my own worthiness which give me the courage to bring my whole self into my meeting. I listen for That of God within me to guide me in my relationships. As I bump up against people in my meeting, I develop more awareness of That of God in me and in them and I am able to recognize and submit my ego to Spirit a wee bit more. For me, these three topics work in tandem when we allow Spirit to guide us.