Whether or not we believe in a Divine Thing we call “God”, what we mean is unique to each of us. What I mean when I use the word God is not at all what I meant at earlier points in my life. Some of my former understandings had to be intentionally deconstructed or even destroyed to make room for new. I imagine the word will continue to take on new meanings for me as I learn and experience more of life in relationship with the Holy Spirit until the day I die. God keeps showing up for me in broader, quieter, deeper, often wow-er but sometimes much subtler ways. Each new understanding I am given is an invitation for me to grow in our relationship, to listen better, trust more, and respond with increasing faithfulness.
Throughout our history, Quakers have expressed a wide variety of understandings about the Divine. Some Friends use fairly traditional Christian language, others use words borrowed from other faith traditions, and some refuse to use any labels or words at all. You can learn more about this in the “Quotes” and “Resources” pages.
Respond to any of the queries that speak to your condition. Please listen in tongues as you read one another’s replies and comment with love, not with the intention to correct or inform.
Feel free to upload music or art you’ve created that expresses some of your understanding. Let us know if you do or do not welcome comments or conversation about what you share. You can also begin a new topic to share your thoughts or begin a conversation about any of the “Naming the Divine” quotes or resources.
Do you have a word or words for the Divine that you are comfortable using?
What do those words mean to you?
If there are no words you use, do you have a sense of something at the center? Do you have a relationship with it or do you find that improbable or impossible?
Has your understanding of it changed as you’ve changed?