
Experiencing a persistent nudge, exploring it, taking on a spiritual practice, experiencing continued encouragement seemingly out of nowhere, listening, energy and excitement welling up, way opening—these are characteristics of the coming of a leading from God.

Some time ago I began to feel a nudge to write a blog. As the nudge persisted I eventually began to explore the idea and then to practice what I might write. I felt called to write daily, at least something.

Despite much internal resistance I did the writing because I kept getting encouragement seemingly out of nowhere. One day a Richard Rohr online Daily Meditation talked about dying into love, a topic about which I feel deeply, so I wrote about that. Another day it was a blogpost by Micah Bales about his persistence in starting a new Quaker Christian fellowship. I admired his persistence, and sat down to be persistent about writing. One day I wrote in my journal about what was happening with this nudge. And another day I opened Weavings to an article about having a daily morning practice of reading, prayer, and writing. How could I not write that day?

The writing practice was hard but it engaged me and energized me. I wrote about whatever came internally for me that day. And then when a door seemed to shut on a blog, it happened that a friend inquired about a “Quaker daily devotional .” The idea turned on a light in me and interested others who heard about it. Way continued to open. You are reading part of what has developed.

If you were being nudged, would you notice? What characteristics point to its being God’s voice that you hear?
How do you give a yes in the early stages of a leading?
What are your spiritual practices?

Holy One, open the ears of my heart to hear even your whisper.

For further reflection:
“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (See I Samuel 3: 1-9)
“the sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (See John 10: 1-5)

[If you wish to comment, please do so drawing from your own experience. Please refrain from comments that judge or critique the posting. Thank you.]  

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