The Faithful Meetings Program is grounded in the belief that spiritual deepening should, and can, begin at home. Through Faithful Meetings, Friends meetings and churches will be provided opportunities to build spiritual and emotional bonds between members, learn about and engage in corporate and individual Quaker spiritual practices, and explore how to listen attentively and surely for the “still, small Voice” which guides each and all toward wholeness.
Faithful Meetings gathers at the meetinghouses of participating communities. The facilitator, Mary Linda McKinney, will travel to the meeting for the opening retreat and then work remotely with folks in the community to co-facilitate subsequent gatherings using Zoom and the online classroom. All gatherings are hybrid to allow as many Friends to engage as possible.
The purpose of Faithful Meetings is not to teach that there is one “right way” to be a Friend but to provide an understanding of the spiritual depth and range of Quaker practices and theological expressions so that each community can use these practices in ways that are authentic to them.
Are you interested in learning more about the structure and content of Faithful Meetings?
SotS Snapshots: Spiritual Formation
SotS Snapshots: Online Classroom
SotS Snapshots: Community Learning Sessions
SotS Snapshots: On Conflict
Are you interested in learning about Mary Linda’s understanding of Quaker faith and culture?
SotS Snapshots: Friendly Bumpers
SotS Snapshots: The Quaker Divide – Christian/non-Christian
SotS Snapshots: The Quaker Divide – Theist/non-theist
SotS Snapshots: The Quaker Divide – Conformity
SotS Snapshots: Barrier to Faithfulness – Worldly Power
SotS Snapshots: Quaker Committees
SotS Snapshots: True Quaker Process
SotS Snapshots: Elders
Friends Journal: Pour Out My Spirit
QuakerSpeak: Welcoming vs. Inclusive
Are you interested in learning more about the facilitator, Mary Linda McKinney?
SotS Snapshots: Qualifications for Ministry
SotS Snapshots: Who I Am in Three Stories
SotS Snapshots: Juggling
SotS Snapshots: Coddiwomple
Friends Journal: The Divine GPS
QuakerSpeak: Am I Good Enough to Be a Quaker?