God’s Promise Fulfilled
Encountering and Embodying Gracein the Shadow of Empire
What does this mean?God’s Promise Fulfilled is a sequence of two one-year residential courses to be offered by School of the Spirit Ministry, beginning May 2025 as a successor to the On Being A Spiritual Nurturer program.
What does this mean?Program Overview & Schedule
Join a cohort of two dozen people willing to test the proposition that there is an Inner Teacher, called by many names in the Bible and throughout history, who promises us “Life more abundant” (John 10:10) if we commit.
We will nurture each other spiritually to grow into that commitment and claim its gifts, trusting in the Spirit of Christ to stretch our capacity for prophetic listening and courageous love. This experiment in faithfulness and community will take place over two years. These years are designed as a series, with participants having the option to join either or both.
During year one, we will focus on the INHALE
Deepening our connection to the Source and experimenting with how to align our outward lives with what we hear inwardly from God. Four residential weekends will follow an arc of learning that begins with our inner experience, explores what integrity asks of us and situates that intention firmly in the reality of a world unraveling around us.
God’s Promise
May 22-26, 2025
Memorial Day
Naming the Powers
Aug 28-Sept 1, 2025
Labor Day
Surrender to the Flow
Nov 7-11, 2025
Veterans Day
In the Creator’s Image
Feb 13-16, 2026
Presidents’ Day
In year two, we will turn to the EXHALE
From a base of our own solid spiritual groundedness, how does God call us to Creativity (spiritual nurture of the world)? These four residencies explore our lives as testimonies and witnesses to the Transforming Power of living in God’s promise: discerning the unique way that God calls each of us to be and serve in the world (out of everything that needs to be done) and readying ourselves to be faithful to that call.Not One Thing More
May 21-25, 2026
Memorial Day
Engaging the Powers
Sept 3-7, 2026
Labor Day
Spiritual Muscle
November 11-15, 2026
Veteran’s Day
Claiming Joy
Feb 11-15, 2027
President’s Day
The program will be hybrid and individuals may commit to participate either online or in person.
See PROGRAM GUIDE for residencies and non-residential program elements
See MONEY MATTERS for cost and scholarship information
See LEADERSHIP to get to know Adria and Joann and their work
if you want to
join this cohort
See PROGRAM GUIDE for specifics on the residencies and non-residential program elements
See MONEY MATTERS for cost and scholarship information
See LEADERSHIP TEAM to get to know Adria and Joann and their work
See APPLICATION if you want to join this cohort
"God is dwelling with you in the midst of all the pain, suffering, and oppression. You are called to be faithful, even when you are being crushed. Be that holy city and a light to the nations. Come out of empire... God is with you now. Now is the time of victory so live as though that reality is here."
-C Wess Daniels, Resisting Empire
Photos by Brad Shaw
Come As You Are: A Spiritual Welcome
This course took shape over many months of prayerful listening, reflection and conversation.
As we explored the needs of God’s people and how we were called to respond, two things became abundantly clear.
First, the need for a space in which to wrestle with the spiritual poverty and desolation of our time is real and deep across the theological spectrum. From unaffiliated spiritual seekers to liberal Quakers to Bible-believing Evangelicals, we keep hearing the same suspicion that the spiritual reality we’re living in is something less than the Beloved Community. Across the theological spectrum, we all have the same hunger after Truth and Life in the midst of so much disappointment, disillusionment and confusion.
Second, our time together will be richer in a context where our journeys are respected but our unexamined assumptions are not. That dynamic – loving and challenging, gentle and brave – requires sensitivity, humility, and a willingness to speak in integrity from our own experience.
I was drawn to Friends because of our distinct Quaker way of approaching the Gospel, the walk of faith and the battle between good and evil – what Friends traditionally call “the Lamb’s War.” Therefore, I use language for spiritual matters that thoroughly reflects the faith, articulated by George Fox and centuries of Friends since, that Christ is the true Light that enlightens every person who comes into the world. That is my identity as a Friend, and I make no apologies for it. But I never want my approach to be a stumbling block to anyone as they journey closer to God, so please translate, if you need to, into a language that feels more true to your experience. That said, if you are feeling especially courageous, I invite you to try not translating my language and instead being challenged by it. This, too, can be a gift.
My childhood faith community called itself Evangelical Fundamentalist, and was filled with Bible drills, camp meetings and altar calls. It became too small and transactional for me – trading good behavior for eternity in heaven just wasn’t credible as a response to the magnificence and wonder of Creation. So for a time I called myself “post-Christian,” explored Wiccan calendar rhythms, and shuddered at Christian language. My own experience with the predecessor to this course – On Being A Spiritual Nurturer – marks a sharp transformational turn for me. It opened the door to deep contemplative practice, which made my heart leap for joy. I knew I’d found the home where I could pursue my felt experiential connection to the Divine Mystery. The course also gifted me with Marcus Borg’s On Speaking Christian which invited me to take back grace-filled Christian language from literalist Bible readers; what a surprise to find powerful alternative readings for concepts like salvation, grace, sin, righteousness and being born again. While my own heart language continues to be universalist Spirit language, I’ve reclaimed access to the wisdom of centuries of Quakers and other seekers for whom Christian language sings.
As you consider whether this program is right for you, we invite you to embrace the invitation to stand firmly in your own experience of Mystery, Grace and Power, while holding the experience of others with tenderness and care as we explore the Promise that God invites us to give our lives to, the Promise that gives us life.
Photos by Brad Shaw