The Spiritual Care Committee

Since its inception in 1990, the School of the Spirit Ministry has required participants in its long-term program, On Being a Spiritual Nurturer, to be supported by a spiritual care committee comprised of members from a participant’s home meeting or church. In an ongoing effort to deepen our understanding of spiritual care committees — their structure, function, and value — numerous consultations and discussions have taken place over the course of twenty years. Conversations with program teachers, program participants and Friends serving on spiritual care committees have led us to a keen awareness of the many blessings and gifts brought forth by the Spirit working through such committees. Seeing clearly the value that spiritual care committees can have for Friends’ meetings and churches, we are eager to communicate our experiences and findings with others.

We share our experiences and findings in a pamphlet titled The Spiritual Care Committee. You will find links below to the pamphlet in various formats. We encourage you to read the pamphlet, to download and print it, to reflect on its content, and to use it for educational purposes in your meetings and churches. We gladly share it for free so that it may enrich the spiritual life within your community. If you are so inclined, please consider a donation toward this and future publications. Suggested donation is $5.

The Spiritual Care Committee (pdf, letter, one page per sheet)

The Spiritual Care Committee (pdf, letter, bookfold for double-sided printing, note: when printing a pdf double-sided, be sure to direct your program to landscape and to ‘flip on the short edge’)

The Spiritual Care Committee (pdf, half-letter, one page per sheet)

Hard copies of the pamphlet can be ordered from QuakerBooks.

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